Out of the Box Coaching are excited to finally be going live!
After much discussion and imagining, and owing to the strange circumstances of a very peculiar year, Out of The Box Coaching is finally born in a frenzied and haphazard response to the unpredictable environment of 2020. This suits us fine, as we are all about adaptability to chaos!
Out of the Box is a collaboration between some very passionate and like-minded individuals who each wanted to be able to do more of what they enjoy doing most – helping young people to find their feet and develop a sense of self belief through mastering the game of football, but in a way that is less “results” driven, and more “development” oriented.
Why do this now, you might be wondering?
A great question!
We feel that with Football being the most participated sporting code in the country, and at a time when a bit of outdoor fun is becoming increasingly prized for its health giving properties (both physically and mentally), there is an even greater need for helping our youngsters to grow their own self-belief in a guided learning environment and around some positive mentoring by coaches with a broader vision that just “winning the game”.
While we have no problem with winning, what we understand is that in order for someone to win, someone also has to lose, and while this is an important lesson in itself, it can sometimes shift the focus away from helping players to develop their own toolkit of skills for dealing with both football and life.
Our coaching methodology is instead founded on the following four core values:
Belief. Intuition. Positivity. Expression
Our focus is on helping players to:
Be brave – developing courage and self-confidence
Be different – encouraging creativity and intuitive play
Be helpful – encouraging support and respect
Be a leader – taking ownership and encouraging self-motivation
To achieve this, we look not just at how our players kick a ball. We break everything down into 4 key attributes – the social, the mental, the technical and the emotional
We look at how to best guide someone to seeing every failure or mistake as just another way of learning, drawing our inspiration from the great Nelson Manela quote –
We develop our programs to try and help our players to become more creative, more inventive, to be unpredictable, to play with composure and purpose, and most importantly, to be good decision makers who are always thinking and playing ahead of the moment!
So welcome aboard and we hope you enjoy the journey!